ESG Report
ESG Report
In this Report, Nam Liong Global Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Nam Liong Global, Nam Liong, or the Company) makes systematic disclosure of the Company’s efforts in economic, environmental, and social aspects. This year, the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is integrated into the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as the structure and framework of the chapters in this Report, disclosing to all stakeholders Nam Liong’s efforts and results in sustainability with specific practices in the aspects of Corporate Governance, Environmental Protection, Employee Care, and Social Welfare.
The compilation of this Report was based on the guidelines set forth in the Global Reporting Initiative and the Core Option of the GRI Standards, and the AA1000 Accountability Principles of Materiality, Inclusivity, Responsiveness, and Impact were also referred to. Transparent disclosure of the performance of various Management Approaches (MA), responses and actions concerning material sustainability topics are made.
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