Social Responsibility and Shared Prosperity
Social Responsibility and Shared Prosperity
We continue to adhere to international human rights standards, develop employees in a diverse way, emphasize workplace safety, and continuously optimize the care and concern for employees. We have been selected as the 1111 Job Bank Happy Enterprise for several consecutive years; at the same time, we promote social prosperity through local care.
Human Rights Policies
《A-Introduction to Human Rights Policies》 Referencing to multiple international human rights conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human...
Development Opportunities
《A-Introduction to Types of Educational Training Courses》Nam Liong Global places great emphasis on employees’ professional development, believing...
Workplace Safety
Workers are crucial members in the operational activities of the Corporate. Any health and safety risks in the workplace may have significant impacts on the Corporate’s...
Social Prosperity
Nam Liong Global is committed to care for local communities, including support for local security and law enforcement agencies, respect for and assistance...